Immánuel Fodor

Product Manager with 13+ years of tech industry experience, excelling at connecting business needs with technology, driving innovation and strategy. CKA, CPM, CSM, AWS CP, homelabber, former CTO.

The API Gateway Model: Centralizing Control in Complex Microservices Architectures

The API Gateway Model: Centralizing Control in Complex Microservices Architectures

Immánuel Fodor
API Management
June, 2024

API gateways help you centralize and simplify routing, load balancing, and access control. Modern API gateways take these benefits even further. Find out how.

5 Essential Qualities All API Gateways Need in 2024

5 Essential Qualities All API Gateways Need in 2024

Immánuel Fodor
API Management
June, 2024

Let’s explore the five essential features your API gateway must possess to empower your developers, elevate security, and maximize business agility.

Fortify Your Frontlines: Distributed Security with HashiCorp Vault, Let's Encrypt, and Traefik

Fortify Your Frontlines: Distributed Security with HashiCorp Vault, Let's Encrypt, and Traefik

Immánuel Fodor
API Management
May, 2024

Explore how HashiCorp Vault, Let's Encrypt, and Traefik work together at a high level to provide encryption for distributed architectures and why that's important.

Level Up API Operations: Granular API Access Control Meets GitOps

Level Up API Operations: Granular API Access Control Meets GitOps

Immánuel Fodor
API Management
April, 2024

Traditional API access control strategies are limited to risky all-or-nothing approaches. See how Traefik Hub's provides granular, GitOps-driven access control.

How Modern API Gateways Make DevOps Engineers More Efficient

How Modern API Gateways Make DevOps Engineers More Efficient

Immánuel Fodor
API Management
April, 2024

Learn about the benefits of switching to an API gateway model and how those benefits are magnified significantly by choosing a modern, GitOps-driven API gateway.

Revolutionizing API Operations: A Dive into GitOps-Based API Management

Revolutionizing API Operations: A Dive into GitOps-Based API Management

Immánuel Fodor
API Management
March, 2024

APIs (application programming interfaces) are a hot topic these days with the rise of machine-to-machine communication and AI, microservice-based cloud native architectures. Add to that the never-ending need for efficiency to reuse existing software components and services to build up solutions faster and cheaper without reinventing the wheel. Traditional API management solutions are often slow and suboptimal for efficiency, built with click-operations in mind, leading to stateful and procedura

Why Modern API Management Needs an End-to-End GitOps Strategy

Why Modern API Management Needs an End-to-End GitOps Strategy

Immánuel Fodor
API Management
March, 2024

GitOps isn’t just another IT buzzword; it’s quickly transforming how software development operates, making deployments more reliable, repeatable, and automated. GitOps is used to manage infrastructure and workloads, but it hasn’t taken hold in managing APIs. While this modern operations model is used in API development, API management has yet to benefit from GitOps-driven processes, and it’s sorely needed. With the rise of cloud-native development and microservices, a growing majority of develo

Enhancing API Observability: Traefik Hub, OpenTelemetry, and the New Era of Data-Driven API Management

Enhancing API Observability: Traefik Hub, OpenTelemetry, and the New Era of Data-Driven API Management

Immánuel Fodor
API Management
December, 2023

Understand the importance of OpenTelemetry in API observability, how it can be used, and how Traefik Hub sets a new standard for OpenTelemetry support.

API Versioning with Traefik Hub: Smooth Transitions, Seamless Innovation

API Versioning with Traefik Hub: Smooth Transitions, Seamless Innovation

Immánuel Fodor
API Management
November, 2023

See why API versioning is important for businesses and how Traefik Hub does it differently to improve the experience for both API producers and consumers.

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