From Zero to Hero: Getting Started with k0s and Traefik

From Zero to Hero: Getting Started with k0s and Traefik

Kevin Crawley
How To
December, 2020

K0s is a new Kubernetes distribution from Mirantis. It's similar to Rancher Labs' K3s, yet it ships only the bare minimum of extensions. K0s is a new Kubernetes distribution from Mirantis. This post covers how to configure k0s to include Traefik and begin routing your applications with CRDs.

Observing Kubernetes Ingress Traffic using Metrics

Observing Kubernetes Ingress Traffic using Metrics

Kevin Crawley
December, 2020

Monitoring Kubernetes ingress traffic is a critical part of an effective strategy for detecting and managing potential issues in real-time.

Traefik Hackaethon Is a Wrap

Traefik Hackaethon Is a Wrap

Kevin Crawley
November, 2020

Traefik Labs inaugural Traefik Hackaethon is a wrap. The event took place over three days and included multiple contributors from around the world.

Lock Down Your Network with Traefik Enterprise and Vault

Lock Down Your Network with Traefik Enterprise and Vault

Neil McAllister
Product News
November, 2020

Traefik Enterprise 2.3 now supports Vault for certificate management in two ways: as a key-value store for certificates, and as a certificate resolver.

Leveraging your Ingress Controller to easily migrate to Kubernetes

Leveraging your Ingress Controller to easily migrate to Kubernetes

Kevin Crawley
November, 2020

In this article, we’ll delve into the question of migrating legacy applications by discussing the specific challenges these workloads pose and outlining a strategy to overcome them.

The Complete Traefik Training  Course

The Complete Traefik Training Course

Brian Christner
November, 2020

The Complete Traefik Training Course course by Brian Christner of The Byte provides real-world examples, hands-on labs and guided lessons on the features available with Traefik Proxy.

How Vaudoise Insurance Deployed Traefik Enterprise to Successfully Modernize with Microservices

How Vaudoise Insurance Deployed Traefik Enterprise to Successfully Modernize with Microservices

Neil McAllister
Case Studies
October, 2020

As an insurance company, security and service uptime are two of Vaudoise's highest requirements. Traefik Enterprise provides high availability and encryption capabilities necessary for Vaudoise, in a single, easy-to-use solution.

Traefik Enterprise 2.3 Arrives with Vault Support, GitOps Compliance, and More

Traefik Enterprise 2.3 Arrives with Vault Support, GitOps Compliance, and More

Nicolas Mengin
Product News
October, 2020

Traefik Enterprise 2.3 has arrived. Now, with Vault support, GitOps Compliance, support for HTTP caching, and an API portal.

Traefik Hackaethon 2020: Middleware Plugins Brain Dump

Traefik Hackaethon 2020: Middleware Plugins Brain Dump

Kevin Crawley
October, 2020

The team at Traefik Labs will be hosting a Hackathon next week, and plugins are a significant theme. Awards, bounties, and prizes are available for those who participate.

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