Traefik Runtime Platform
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Traefik Enterprise 2.4 brings new features to ease multi-cluster platform management, integration with Traefik Pilot, and more.
Traefik 2.4 adds many nice enhancements such as ProxyProtocol Support on TCP Services, Advanced support for mTLS, Initial support for Kubernetes Service API, and more than 12 enhancements from our beloved community.
Case Study: Rocket.Chat Deploys Traefik to Manage Unified Communications at Scale. Learn how Rocket.Chat offers dependable services and fast response times to their large customer base using Traefik.
Traefik Enterprise 2.3 introduces new features for developers and DevOps engineers, including support for GitOps practices and OpenAPI.
What if it was possible to achieve true high availability using only Traefik Proxy, Traefik Enterprise, and a few other, easy-to-deploy open-source networking tools?
K0s is a new Kubernetes distribution from Mirantis. It's similar to Rancher Labs' K3s, yet it ships only the bare minimum of extensions. K0s is a new Kubernetes distribution from Mirantis. This post covers how to configure k0s to include Traefik and begin routing your applications with CRDs.
Monitoring Kubernetes ingress traffic is a critical part of an effective strategy for detecting and managing potential issues in real-time.
Traefik Labs inaugural Traefik Hackaethon is a wrap. The event took place over three days and included multiple contributors from around the world.
Traefik Enterprise 2.3 now supports Vault for certificate management in two ways: as a key-value store for certificates, and as a certificate resolver.
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