Developer’s #1Cloud Native API Gateway
The Traefik Hub API Gateway combines the world’s most trusted cloud native, fully declarative application proxy with enterprise-grade access control, distributed security, and premium integrations.

Why Choose Traefik Hub API Gateway
Aside from the seamless upgrades from Proxy to API Gateway to API Management, leading organizations choose Traefik’s API Gateway because it enables:
Efficient Operations
Traefik is the only API gateway that’s fully declarative and GitOps-driven, enabling DevOps and Platform teams to centralize control, automate tedious manual operations, and scale rapidly.
Cloud Native Compatibility
Unlike other solutions, Traefik’s API gateway was born in the cloud and works seamlessly and consistently across any environment, any deployment model, and with multiple orchestrators.
Dynamic Configuration
Traefik’s API Gateway accelerates time to market and reduces human error via automated service discovery and dynamic configuration, all without the downtime and full system reloads other solutions require.

Key Capabilities of Traefik Hub API Gateway
Reduce Complexity and Increase Extensibility
Traefik Hub API Gateway centralizes access control and traffic management to simplify teams’ workflows while making it easy to add advanced capabilities (rate limiting, distributed Let’s Encrypt, etc.) through turnkey middlewares, custom plugins, and third-party integrations.
- Access Control: OIDC, LDAP, JWT, HMAC & OAuth2
- Protocols: HTTP, HTTP/2, TCP, UDP, Websockets, gRPC
- Distributed Let’s Encrypt
- HashiCorp Vault integration
- Middlewares (circuit breakers, retries, buffering, etc.)
- Go- and Wasm-based plugin catalog & custom plugin support (No Lua)

Boost Productivity with Cloud Native Automation
Dynamic configuration, automated service discovery and routing, flexible rate limiting, and high availability features enable application teams to deploy quickly with zero downtime and ensure peak performance and availability.
- Dynamic configuration & service discovery
- Traffic mirroring
- Blue / Green & Canary deployments
- Active health checks
- Distributed rate limiting
- High availability & disaster recovery

Adapt to Your Evolving Infrastructure
Because Traefik Hub API Gateway is compatible with any environment—whether cloud, legacy, or hybrid—DevOps and Platform teams can adopt new technologies and services quickly.
- Centralized control & data planes
- Automatic configuration & route syncing
- Infrastructure & orchestrator agnostic
- Hybrid cloud, multi-cloud, & on-prem compatible
- Progressive migration & deployment

Ensure Consistency, Repeatability, and Scalability
By automating tedious manual configurations and keeping your ecosystem up-to-date with your GitOps repository, Traefik Hub API Gateway saves teams time, increases consistency, and allows them to be more productive.
- Automated service discovery & configuration
- Dynamic routing to correct endpoints
- Distributed rate limiting
- Circuit breaker protection
- IP whitelisting & blacklisting
- Automatic application of Git configuration changes
- Auditable record of changes over time

Protect Your SLAs and SLOs
Clearly understand the flow of traffic, service dependencies, and where to prioritize team efforts to troubleshoot issues and protect your SLAs and SLOs.
- Cluster-wide dashboard
- Proxy health checks
- Distributed tracing (Jaeger, Open Tracing, Zipkin)
- Support for OpenTelemetry monitoring (Datadog, Grafana, InfluxDB, Prometheus, StatsD)
- Embedded caches
- Developer portal with OpenAPI (Swagger) support

Get Help When You Need It
While Traefik is built to ensure uptime, our team of experts is here for you 24/7/365. Additionally, we provide extensive resources to help beginners and experts master Traefik in all use cases.
- 24/7/365 Global Support
- Onboarding
- Documentation
- Community
- Traefik Academy