Traefik Hub - The industry’s first Kubernetes-native API Management solution

Manage & Govern Your APIs the GitOps Way

Traefik Hub provides an API Management as Code platform to DevOps and Platform Engineering Teams who favor less ClickOps and more GitOps-driven API lifecycle workflows.

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The Problem

Traditional API Management Is Undermining Your Cloud-Native Strategy

Traditional API management lags behind the rapid evolution of cloud-native and Kubernetes-native technologies, creating gaps in security, compliance, and operational efficiency that limit organizations' ability to innovate and scale. Common challenges include:

  • Limited Cloud-Native Integration

    • Existing tooling not entirely cloud-native AND Kubernetes-native

    • Not fully declarative, which restricts GitOps and causes deployment inconsistencies

    • Lack of support for open standards

    • UI-centered operations, relying on manual “ClickOps” workflows

  • Not Optimized for Day-2 Operations

    • Inability to embrace end-to-end CI/CD approach

    • Manual API Operations leading to inefficiencies, inconsistencies and errors

    • Difficulty in monitoring and managing APIs

  • Uncontrolled API Proliferation

    • Rapid proliferation of APIs leading to a fragmented architecture (API Sprawl)

    • Difficulty in maintaining an accurate inventory of all APIs

    • Increased risk of security vulnerabilities due to unmanaged APIs

The Solution

Traefik Hub API Management

The first Kubernetes-native, fully GitOps compliant, and most intuitive solution for easily publishing, securing, and managing APIs at scale.


Key Capabilities of Traefik Hub

Modernize and simplify your API management with seamless scalability, enhanced security, robust governance, and streamlined operations.

  • Modern

    Cloud Native at Its Core

  • Efficient

    Designed for Effortless Day 2 Operations

  • Reliable

    Federated Runtime API Governance

  • Secure

    Multi-Layer Security

  • Transparent

    API Monitoring and Observability

  • Intuitive

    User-Friendly API Developer Portal


Cloud Native at Its Core

  • Kubernetes-native: Auto-discovery of services, advanced Helm charts, extensive use of labels and selectors, auto-scaling, and support for Gateway API.

  • Fully declarative: Treat configuration as code through declarative Kubernetes resources and Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) to facilitate GitOps and API Ops pipelines & workflows.

  • Efficient scalability: Horizontally scalable and stateless architecture with a minimal resource footprint that enables higher request volumes for the same infrastructure costs.

  • Seamless upgrade path: Progressive and seamless migration from Traefik Proxy and API Gateway to ensure minimal disruption to operations.


Day 2 Operations Efficiency

  • GitOps-driven: Fully GitOps compliant and compatible with any GitOps solution (e.g. Flux, Argo) to ensure auditability, repeatability, and revertability.

  • Accelerated deployments: Leverage CI/CD pipelines to streamline deployments, minimize downtime, and reduce human errors.

  • User-friendly multi-cluster Web UI: Enable quick experimentation and debugging to resolve incidents significantly faster, while also allowing for a read-only mode to prevent interference with GitOps workflows.

  • Linters and rollbacks: Minimize downtime with Traefik Hub’s Linter and Git rollback, which auto-detect pull request issues, provide detailed audit trails, and enable fast rollbacks and resubmissions in CI workflows.

  • Automated change impact analysis: Avoid breaking changes with API CI reports that analyze pull request changes and speed up their reviews.


Federated Runtime API Governance

  • Real-time API Inventory: Centralized API catalog for all APIs to provide real-time visibility and control.

  • Version control: Utilize the most flexible API versioning and Kubernetes-native labels to logically organize APIs, track their evolution over time, and avoid breaking changes for client applications.

  • Automated error detection: Perform error checks and change impact analysis with Traefik Hub’s static analyzer to ensure compliance and prevent misconfiguration by catching errors early.

  • Plans & Bundles: Centralize rate limits, quotas, and policy enforcement across groups of APIs, ensuring consistent and efficient resource management.

  • Subscriptions: Create managed and self-serve subscriptions for enhanced ease-of-use, security, and auditability.


Multi-Layer Security

  • Granular access control: Implement fine-grained permissions through detailed API policies and JWT inspection to secure access to API resources.

  • Seamless IAM integration: Leverage existing identity and access management (IAM) solutions, such as Keycloak, Okta, Azure Entra ID, through industry-standard authentication protocols, including native OIDC support.

  • Encryption: Advanced TLS management, supporting Let’s Encrypt (ACME) and SPIFFE for robust data protection.

  • Threat defense: Native Web Application Firewall (WAF) powered by OWASP Coraza to defend against known vulnerabilities.


API Monitoring and Observability

  • OpenTelemetry integration: Gain deep insights into API health and performance with OpenTelemetry integration to provide metrics and tracing capabilities through the best-of-breed monitoring tools without vendor lock-in.

  • Proactive performance management: Real-time visibility into API traffic patterns to help identify bottlenecks and proactively address performance issues.

  • Treblle third-party integration: Turnkey integration directly on the Traefik Hub Dashboard for real-time, out-of-the-box observability without maintaining a complex monitoring infrastructure.

  • GitOps event correlation: Pre-built monitoring dashboards with GitOps event correlation to reduce mean time to recovery (MTTR) and improve incident mitigation.


User-Friendly API Developer Portal

  • Dedicated Developer Portals: Easily create one or more dedicated API Portals for developers to discover, understand, and interact with your APIs.

  • Interactive Testing Consoles: Allow developers to test APIs directly within the portal for faster and real-time feedback.

  • Portal customization: Customize the API portal to house API documentation, clear integration instructions, and personalized content to foster adoption and streamline development.

  • API access management: Generate API access credentials, such as API keys, directly from the portal for simplified access and secure integration.

Watch Traefik Hub in Action

in this Video Demonstration
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