
Introducing Traefik Pilot 1.0: the Traefik Control Center

Introducing Traefik Pilot 1.0: the Traefik Control Center

Pierre Erraud
Product News
September, 2020

Today, we’re announcing that Traefik Pilot 1.0 is available and ready to connect with all Traefik instances, everywhere.

Houston, we have Plugins! Traefik 2.3 Announcement

Houston, we have Plugins! Traefik 2.3 Announcement

Manuel Zapf
Product News
September, 2020

Traefik 2.3, the latest version of the most popular open source cloud native proxy, is now available. With plugins, ECS provider, and more!

Traefik Labs: Incubating the Future of Cloud Native Networking

Traefik Labs: Incubating the Future of Cloud Native Networking

Emile Vauge
September, 2020

Today is a big day for Containous and the entire Traefik community! As Traefik crosses yet another major download milestone, we continue on our mission of simplifying cloud-native networking by launching our first cloud offering. 

Announcing the Inaugural Traefik Hackaethon 2020 in October

Announcing the Inaugural Traefik Hackaethon 2020 in October

Kevin Crawley
September, 2020

Join the team of engineers who maintain Traefik and the Traefik Ambassadors for a week of virtual hacking and collaboration on the open source projects Traefik and Maesh.

Achieve Zero-Downtime Deployments with Traefik and Kubernetes

Achieve Zero-Downtime Deployments with Traefik and Kubernetes

Neil McAllister
September, 2020

Containers and Kubernetes have revolutionized software delivery. Releasing apps and services as stateless container images makes it easy to create and destroy container instances as demand requires.

Naologic Selects Traefik to Effortlessly Scale Networking to Meet Fast Business Growth

Naologic Selects Traefik to Effortlessly Scale Networking to Meet Fast Business Growth

Patricia Dugan
Case Studies
August, 2020

Implementing Traefik at Naologic saved them over a thousand hours of engineering time, and eliminated time-consuming manual configuration of NGINX.

Unleash custom networking logic with Traefik Plugins

Unleash custom networking logic with Traefik Plugins

Neil McAllister
Product News
August, 2020

With Traefik plugins, you can now easily build, use, and share your own custom extensions to Traefik’s functionality, with minimal development overhead.

William & Mary uses Traefik to Streamline Complex Deployments Across Multiple Clouds

William & Mary uses Traefik to Streamline Complex Deployments Across Multiple Clouds

Patricia Dugan
Case Studies
August, 2020

Learn how William & Mary uses Traefik to streamline complex deployments across multiple clouds in a heterogenous ecosystem with Docker and Kubernetes.

Traefik 2.3: Towards Plugins and Beyond!

Traefik 2.3: Towards Plugins and Beyond!

Teddy Ferdinand
How To
August, 2020

In this post, Teddy Ferdinand talks about Traefik 2.3, and its features. He dives into Traefik Pilot, our new SaaS control platform, and the middleware plugin management.

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