Access Control

The API Gateway Model: Centralizing Control in Complex Microservices Architectures

The API Gateway Model: Centralizing Control in Complex Microservices Architectures

Immánuel Fodor
API Management
June, 2024

API gateways help you centralize and simplify routing, load balancing, and access control. Modern API gateways take these benefits even further. Find out how.

Traefik Hub - API Gateway Perfection

Traefik Hub - API Gateway Perfection

Emile Vauge
API Management
March, 2024

Traefik Hub has profoundly transformed API Management. It provides a fully declarative approach to define, manage and run APIs while offering modularity and freedom of choice for its users through deep integration with the Cloud-Native ecosystem.

Announcing Traefik Enterprise 2.10

Announcing Traefik Enterprise 2.10

Nicolas Mengin
API Management
April, 2023

Announcing Traefik Enterprise 2.10 with OIDC access token claims inspection, Kubernetes secrets for storing Authentication Sources credentials, and more.

Production-Ready Kubernetes Deployments with the Traefik API Gateway and Supabase

Production-Ready Kubernetes Deployments with the Traefik API Gateway and Supabase

Colin Wilson
Access Control
April, 2023

Explore how to configure the Traefik API gateway to enable a production-ready, self-hosted deployment of the Supabase Platform on Kubernetes.

Unlock the Potential of Data APIs with Strong Authentication and Traefik Enterprise

Unlock the Potential of Data APIs with Strong Authentication and Traefik Enterprise

Matt Elgin
Access Control
February, 2023

Exposing data held within legacy systems in a controlled way through APIs, microservices, etc., is often a challenge. Here's how strong authentication can help.

Achieve Zero Downtime Access Control for Your Applications

Achieve Zero Downtime Access Control for Your Applications

Julien Salleyron
Access Control
February, 2023

Learn how to implement access control for all applications, including legacy, in just a few clicks, with zero downtime, and no changes to the original app.

Exploring the Tailscale-Traefik Proxy Integration

Exploring the Tailscale-Traefik Proxy Integration

Mathieu Lonjaret
Access Control
January, 2023

In this article, we explore two main ways Traefik Proxy uses Tailscale — one based on the utilization of the TLS management feature and one bonus story for nerds!

Secure Web Applications with Traefik Proxy, cert-manager, and Let’s Encrypt

Secure Web Applications with Traefik Proxy, cert-manager, and Let’s Encrypt

Richard Hillmann
January, 2023

Let's dig into how you can use cert-manager to extend Traefik Proxy’s capabilities as a Kubernetes ingress controller to secure your web applications.

Traefik Proxy 3.0 — Scope, Beta Program, and the First Feature Drop

Traefik Proxy 3.0 — Scope, Beta Program, and the First Feature Drop

Douglas De Toni Machado
December, 2022

Traefik Proxy 3.0 Beta 1 is here! Let's explore the new major version and how you can get started with the released features in Beta 1.

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