TraefikEE, Now Docker Certified!

April 30, 2019

Ready for the Future

Building business critical solutions often requires more than leveraging the best tools available — it requires partners to rely on.

Traefik, as one of the most acclaimed open source edge routers, benefits from a vibrant and supportive community. With the enterprise edition, not only did we add business-centric features to improve user experience, security, availability, and scalability. Additionally, we also made premium support a reality.

TraefikEE is a production-grade, distributed, and highly available routing solution, and today we’re proud to announce that it is certified as such!

What Does it Mean?

TraefikEE has been tested and is supported by Docker Enterprise. It complies with Docker best practices guidelines, has proven provenance, and has been scanned for security vulnerabilities.

See It in Action!

Test It!

Note: If you don’t have your license key yet, request your free trial on our website and download traefikeectl.


Here is a Swarm One Line Installation:

traefikeectl install \
  --swarm \
  --dashboard \
  --licensekey="${TRAEFIKEE_LICENSE_KEY}" \
You can learn more about the command-line options used on the traefikeectl install Reference Guide


Manage the cluster with traefikeectl:

traefikeectl list-nodes --clustername=traefikee-swarm

traefikeectl backup --clustername=traefikee-swarm

# ...

Deploy a customized routing configuration to create the Traefik entrypoints:

traefikeectl deploy --clustername=traefikee-swarm \
 	--docker.swarmmode \
 	--entryPoints='Name:http Address::80' \
 	--entryPoints='Name:https Address::443 TLS' \
Note: TraefikEE uses the `80` and `443` ports internally, hence these values for the entrypoints.

Deploy a Demo Application

You can deploy applications in Docker Swarm using labels:

version: '3.4'
    external: true
    image: containous/whoami
    mode: replicated
    replicas: 2
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - ""
      - "traefik.port=80"
      - "traefik.backend=whoami"
    - traefikee_net
Note: In the above example, is the DNS to reach your cluster.

Deploy the application with the following command:

docker stack deploy whoami --compose-file=./whoami-stack.yaml

With docker service ls, check that the application deployment status is `2/2` replicas ready. Then you can verify that your requests are routed by TraefikEE to the whoami application!

Note: Once checked, you can of course cleanup the whoami application with docker stack rm whoami.

Want to Go Further?

The TraefikEE image is available on the Docker store with detailed setup instructions. Don’t hesitate to give it a try for free!

Huge thanks goes to Brent Salisbury for his help during the Docker certification process.
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